Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Workplace Bill of Rights - Comment Anyone?

While perusing one of my favorite blogs Workplace Fairness, I happened upon their link to what they call Workplace Bill of Rights.

Here's a snippet from the full article:

"For hundreds of years, people from all over the world have been coming to America to make better lives for themselves and their families.

Yet today we find more and more Americans are worse off than their parents, or worried their children will be worse off than themselves.

We must preserve the American Dream for current and future generations of hard-working people throughout our great nation. Pitting one group of workers against another results in a race to the bottom that we all lose.

Over 200 years ago, the Bill of Rights codified our most basic and cherished liberties as citizens of the United States. Now it's time for a 'Workplace Bill of Rights' to ensure that we have fairness and justice as working people in America."

They propose the following:

1. Employees should be treated with honesty and respect.

2. Working full-time should guarantee a basic standard of living.

3. Workplaces should be free of discrimination.

4. No working person should be without health insurance.

5. No one should have to work his or her entire life.

6. Employees should be able to leave a job with dignity.

7. Every workplace should be as safe as possible.

8. There is more to life than work.

9. Employees are entitled to work together.

In the full article, Workplace Fairness discusses each of these rights proposed and provides an on-line petition people can sign to show their support.

This is thought-provoking, and I am eager to learn more about it. I have not yet read the Workplace Fairness links for each of these principles, so I can first put down my initial thoughts and then see what they say too.

I may post a blog on each of these statements over time and see where the discussion takes us.

My vision for this blog is to provide a forum where interested individuals may comment to inspire us to keep talking about important workplace issues. I also endeavor to provide thought-provoking topics, as well as informative posts to help people understand employment law. Some posts contain my opinions, while others are straight information.

I hope if anyone is reading this, that you might be inspired to share your thoughts here too by posting a comment. You can post a comment by clicking on the "comments" link just below this discussion. Right now it says 0 comments.

What do you think about Workplace Fairness' Workplace Bill of Rights?

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