Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin Praised Obama's Energy Plan

Since resumes can speak volumes, I decided to check out Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin for myself. Project Vote Smart provides comprehensive information on-line about the candidates' current and past employment, voting records, and lots more (McCain has two turtles and likes chocolate ice cream; Obama loves to cook chili and has no pets).

It also provides a list of previous speeches and press releases issued by the candidates.

Imagine my surprise to find that just three weeks ago Gov. Palin released a press release titled, "Palin Pleased with Obama's Energy Plan."

Now that she is the Vice Presidential running mate with Sen. McCain, will she still acknowledge the strengths of Obama's energy plan?

To read Gov. Palin's press release at Project Vote Smart, go to

Check out the candidates' resumes at Project Vote Smart: